3 Myths About ‘Sugar Detox’ That You Should Stop Believing in!
With so much online information about detokx sugar, it can be difficult to filter everything to get a clear picture of the truth. No doubt, consuming too much sugar is directly associated with obesity and a number of other diseases, including heart problems and related liver. All of this can sometimes cause fear of sugar, which is unfortunate because we need sugar to live & do our body’s function. Also read – suffer a stack? 5 foods to avoid that can cause hemorrhoids
So, first of all, let’s overcome the first question, what is sugar? Sugar is carbohydrates, and they provide energy sources in our food. There are some different sugars, and while some occur naturally in some foods, such as fruit and milk products, others are produced and added to various kinds of food. Furthermore, simple sugar, or monosaccharides, including glucose and fructose; White granulation sugar is a combined sugar or disaccharide known as sucrose, which consists of glucose and fructose. During digestion, the body broke disaccharides into monosaccharides. Sugar can take various forms, including white, raw or brown, honey, or corn syrup. In front, we see some myths about sugar detoxification and why cut the sugar completely from your diet is not the answer. Also read – Explained: How can Covid-19 affect your children? What is the complict? Talking experts – Watch
- Myth 1: Sugar Causes Diabetes
Type-2 diabetes is a condition where one’s blood sugar remains too high for a long duration. If high blood sugar is too long, it can cause blindness, legaccuration and cardiovascular disease (CVD). Because diabetes is focused on high blood sugar, there is a common belief that consumes a lot of sugar leads to diabetes. Diabetes is more complicated than just saying you have high sugar levels in your body. Insulin allows sugar (glucose) to insert your heart, muscles, and fat cells. High blood sugar in diabetes is caused by lack of, or a decrease in the function of insulin hormone.
Obesity and diabetes have a close relationship with 90% of people with type-2 diabetes experiencing obesity. Because obesity makes the body less sensitive to insulin, it becomes difficult for the body to regulate blood glucose. Furthermore, the lifestyle that settled and lack of exercise also contributes to the risk of diabetes because 80 percent of blood glucose is absorbed by our muscles. When we are not physically active, there is no place to store blood glucose, which can cause a myriad of health problems. Consuming a lot of sugar will lead to a calorary surplus, a long-term weight gain, and obesity, which indirectly affects the risk of diabetes. So always consume medium-sugar sugar.
- Myth 2: Sugar is Easy to Spot in Food and Packaged Products
Everyone thinks that the dessert and soft drinks are the main culprit for sugar sources in the diet. But this is not true because sugar can be present in many places that may not be easily visible. There are so many products where sugar loves, especially when it comes to packaging food. When people decide to limit additional sugar, they know to avoid clear culprit like candy, cakes, and baked food. But the truth is that sugar is present even in packaging foods that are marketed as ‘healthy,’ such as taste yogurt, granola, energy bar, cereal, apple flavor, bread, and spread (such as BBQ sauce or bbq butter). Reading the material label is very important to determine how much sugar contains products. Even though you have to look for the word sugar, know that a lot of sugar is there, including high fructose corn syrup, sugar cane, corn-sweetener, molasses, syrup, fruit juice concentrate and honey. Another tip to remember is that if the sugar appears in the first few ingredients in the package product, you should not buy it because it will contain high sugar